O întrebare care-ţi poate salva viaţa!
“Before starting any
treatment, ask your doctor the most important question 'What is the evidence
that by taking this treatment, I will be able to increase My life span or
improve the quality of My Life in comparison to not undergoing any treatment?” https://www.diamondbook.in/1-question-that-can-save-your-life.html
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7hVRd4918k “În 18 octombrie 2019 la Centrul pentru Siguranța Sănătății de la Universitatea John Hopkins din SUA, în colaborare cu Forumul Economic Mondial și Fundația Bill și Melinda Gates, s-a făcut un „exercițiu ficțional” de simulare a unei pandemii cu un nou coronavirus. Pe atunci, SARS-CoV-2 nu fusese încă descoperit. Fix cu o sută de ani în urmă, Hitler a scris primul discurs antisemit.
“These seven
watches could actually save your life.” https://www.menshealth.com/style/g19540102/watches-that-can-save-your-life/
“Almost half of all Australians live with a chronic disease, which contributes to some 90 percent of deaths.” https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/foods-that-can-save-your-life
ROMANIA – Casa groazei – “Mi s-a făcut o injecţie, care însă
nu şi-a făcut efectul, iar în timpul intervenţiei am resimţit o durere puternică
şi am ţipat, moment în care doamna doctor s-a răstit la mine, reproşându-mi:
«Ţi-a plăcut să te .... şi acum vii să te ragi ca vaca la spital»”, pacientă
Spitalul Judeţean de Urgenţă Vaslui.”
Citeste mai mult: adev.ro/o0n0xi
silicone with magenta-capped filters protruding from both sides, it is more
commonly the protection of choice at construction sites and industrial plants.
But for Dr. Fajardo…” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/us/coronavirus-masks-elastomeric-respirators.html
“Unul din numele
de referinţă pentru medicina preventivă mondială este Dr. Paul C. Bragg – omul
care la 16 ani a scăpat de o boală ce-i mai lăsa doar trei luni de trăit,
apelând la mijloacele primare de vindecare: aer curat, soare, mişcare, alimente
naturale şi, nu în ultimul rând, apa pură pe care o obţinea din ploaie, zăpadă
topită sau prin distilare.” https://www.laviniabratu.ro/dr-paul-c-bragg-apa-ne-poate-salva-viata/
„Prima dată când s-a întâmplat asta…” https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/sanatate/cancerul-rectal-a-disparut-la-toti-pacientii-dintr-un-studiu-rezultatele-i-au-socat-pe-bolnavi-si-cercetatori.html
“Oamenii de știință de la
Universitatea din Boston au creat un virus hibrid, care combină Omicron cu
tulpina originală Wuhan, care a ucis deja 80% din șoarecii de laborator,
informează Dailymail.” https://romanialibera.ro/op-ed/opinii/razboiul-biologic-la-un-click-distanta/
organism apar încontinuu celule tumorale, care sunt recunoscute și distruse de
către sistemul imunitar, iar tumorile, în general, reprezintă o formă de
disimunitate, adică o tulburare a imunității, ne spun medicii. ”Atâta timp cât
un produs vaccinal poate duce la disimunitate, pot apărea și boli
oncologice…” https://www.national.ro/coronavirus/medicii-confirma-legaturi-directe-intre-vaccin-si-mortile-subite-764425.html
“Who knew your Apple Watch could alert you to a potentially
deadly heart condition?” https://www.makeuseof.com/apple-watch-features-that-could-save-your-life/
“There is
a newer vaccine, Jynneos, which was approved in 2019 for the prevention of
smallpox and monkeypox.” https://us.yahoo.com/news/gay-gatherings-spain-being-blamed-170537828.html
“Vitamin A
may be one of the most important ones that you can put in your body to help
control weight gain.” https://recipeland.com/news/how-vitamin-deficiencies-may-ma-647
“Acum câțiva ani, într-o singură noapte, mi-au venit șapte
pacienți cu pupilele dilatate și vedere proastă. Nu luaseră niciun medicament,
nu sufereau de…” https://www.doctorulzilei.ro/monica-pop-vitamina-pe-care-trebuie-sa-o-ia-orice-om-in-permanenta/?utm_medium=parteneri&utm_source=evz.ro
“After further mammograms
and an ultrasound, a radiologist explained to Regina she needed a biopsy- a
tissue sample taken from a person for in -depth medical analysis. A week
later…” https://sydneynorthhealthnetwork.org.au/news/success-stories/cancer-screening-story/
“10 minutes
of exercise a day could save your life if you're over 40, study suggests” https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2022/01/26/exercise-10-minutes-adults-health-study/9223644002/
“I woke up
to a dangerously low blood sugar warning on my Apple Watch. I ran to the
fridge, grabbed some orange juice, drank it and then passed out.” https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/these-apple-watch-features-could-save-your-life-they-saved-mine/
gratitude is all about recognizing and appreciating the positives in our lives.” https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/lifetime-connections/202203/gratitude-may-save-your-life
“Breast and
testicles should be self-cheked on a monthly basis” May save your life! https://books.google.ro/books?id=GeBsfMm8CgoC&pg
“Think the
happiest women are perfect?” https://www.glamour.com/story/how-failure-can-save-your-life
“The organisation has already trained rats - which they call “HeroRATs” - and dogs to sniff out landmines and detect outbreaks of tuberculosis.” https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/11/11/rodents-to-the-rescue-trained-rats-with-hi-tech-backpacks-could-save-your-life-in-a-disast
31, 2022 – “NEW YORK
— The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tested
positive again for COVID-19 […] Walensky, 53, first tested positive on Oct. 21.
She took a course of the antiviral pill Paxlovid, and later tested negative.
But the symptoms returned and Walensky is again in isolation, working and
holding virtual meetings, the CDC said.” https://time.com/6226752/cdc-director-positive-covid/
Cel mai puternic antibiotic natural se prepara foarte uşor, folosind un
borcan de sticlă, în care se pun toate ingredientele tocate. Este extrem de
ușor de realizat și, în același timp, este extrem de eficient în uciderea
infecțiilor.” https://www.doctorulzilei.ro/cel-mai-puternic-antibiotic-natural-vindeca-orice-infectie-cum-sa-l-prepari-acasa/
the pandemic is more globalized than World War II as the latter had little
direct impact on most parts of South America. It is this globalized uncertainty
and complete cessation of soccer that distinguishes soccer in early COVID times
from that in the early War period.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14660970.2020.1846117
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