“Totul cu moderaţie.”
Cineva spunea că urăşte această recomandare,
fiindcă ar putea ȋnsemna că şi drogurile sunt bune, cu moderaţie.
Tu mai ştii cine erai ȋnainte să iei vitamine şi minerale?
“Hormonul fericirii”, motiv de vȋnzare de droguri prescrise
“The list of drugs linked to serotonin toxicity is long, and experts don't always agree on every detail. Some common examples include antidepressants, migraine medications like triptans, mood stabilizers such as carbamazepine and lithium, and opioids like tramadol and meperidine. Other contributors include…” https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/medical-student-contributors/serotonin-syndrome-too-much-good-thing