miercuri, 24 aprilie 2024



Ȋmbolnăviţi de frica bolilor - Amanda, o femeie de 33 de ani, profesoară de artă, a mers, mai ȋntȋi, la vreo douăzeci de doctori. Era sigură că are leucemie, tumoră pe creier şi… https://freefrompress.blogspot.com/2024/04/imbolnaviti-de-frica-bolilor.html#more

4 Sep 2021- Brian Dillon, The Guardian - Ciclicitatea Groază, colaps, uşurare: povestea absurdă şi chinuitoare a unui ipohondru https://antipresa.blogspot.com/2024/04/ipohondria-boala-fara-boala.html

Semne care sugerează că n-ai cancer  https://anticancerantiteroare.blogspot.com/2024/04/semne-care-sugereaza-ca-n-ai-cancer.html#more

COVID Vaccine Can Lead to False Positive Mammograms - “A 37-year-old woman developed a new, palpable left supraclavicular lymphadenopathy lump five days after her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in the left arm. On the day of vaccination, the patient was asymptomatic. This is an example of how the vaccine can mimic cancer and swollen lymph nodes.”  https://www.itnonline.com/article/covid-19-vaccine-can-cause-false-positive-cancer-diagnosis

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